Saturday 15 March 2008

Ho ho ho...Merry Christmas...

Yes, yes, yes. It's not a mistake neither have I gone mad. It's 25.12 in the Iranian calendar. So it's Christmas Day...
Unfortunatelly no presents, or day off.But two Christmases in a year is something and if I live till 24.12.2008, which I sincerely hope I will, I'll be seeing Father Christmas twice in 2008.Or at least european 2008 because...
It's 1386 in Iran...Battle of Grunwald is in 24 years. So not that far. But the Teutonic Knights are starting to be a problem out here :)
Anyways, New Year is in one week. It's one of the most important holidays here in IRI, so everything stops for about a week. And people celebrate the No Ruz.
In our camp there is a pond (would call it a pool had it been 4 feet deeper) with lamps around it. And we can even turn on a fountain :) So like a top class hotel it is. Really nice and will be excellent for a party spot :) Yeah, it's good you don't get punished for dreams...
Work's ok, sun's getting nastier, temperature rising, Tabas slowly turning into hell on earth :)
Merry Christmas everyone,


zovka said...

boze narodzenie w Iranie,
a w Seulu wczoraj chuczne obchody swietego patryka ;]
wszystkiego najlepszego w nowym roku ufoku ! ;]

Unknown said...

a my jutro obchodzimy purim!!!!!! w szwajcari:DDDDDD
doalczam sie do zyczen:D