Mira - What am I doing?
Piotr - I am going to be a banker!!
Walker - I am going to be a banker :)
I know it was yesterday but I was kinda bedazzled with all that's been happening recently.
Yesterday was the 10th of August, first anniversary of Mira's and Dziubel's wedding.
And I had the honor of being Dziubel's Best Man. The best Best Man there could ever be - that goes without saying.
Anyway, congratulations to you. You are the best. I love you and you know that. And being a Best Man at your wedding was one of the best moments in my life and certainly one of the moments I am most proud of. Thank you for the opportunity. I think I did good :) And my speech - one to be remembered for a long time (as soon as I get hold of it everyone will be able to see it - that is of course if I get permission from Mira and Piotr).
Take care...
Jay Jay - it's your turn now ;>
Yesterday was the 10th of August, first anniversary of Mira's and Dziubel's wedding.
And I had the honor of being Dziubel's Best Man. The best Best Man there could ever be - that goes without saying.
Anyway, congratulations to you. You are the best. I love you and you know that. And being a Best Man at your wedding was one of the best moments in my life and certainly one of the moments I am most proud of. Thank you for the opportunity. I think I did good :) And my speech - one to be remembered for a long time (as soon as I get hold of it everyone will be able to see it - that is of course if I get permission from Mira and Piotr).
Take care...
Jay Jay - it's your turn now ;>
ufi, ty schudles ?
to zdjecia z sierpnia 2007...od tego czasu jeszcze schudlem :)
Pamietaj, robie sie na ciacho :)
jestes nim :)
dziekujemy za Barrego Jolka i Agusia:)
calusy z Zurychowa:D
moja kolej na poproszenie ciebie o swiadkowanie? :)
ujmij to jak chcesz, ale wychodzi na to, ze tak :p
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