1st)So I had my hair cut. I have to explain myself. My friend was the hairdresser. And, well...One can see he is not a pro... :)
This is the shortest hair I have ever had,i think...And it was a challenge. To have short hair with the head being so big (though full of brains) :) Of course it has all been recorded for the sake of humanity (don't do this at home). Anyway, it's almost a week since I did it and they are starting to grow back.
Oh, by the way. I am really getting bold :) But than again, bold men are supposedly great lovers :p
So now. Ladies and gentlemen. Get ready for the de-hairing of Lukasz Wlodarczyk. Hope the Samson syndrone does not get me :)
I really had a tough day at work. Really!
It's the flash of the camera. Had to close my eyes. By the way. Wouldn't I make a great punk?
Prisoner no. 45632Lw. Sentence-6 months in Iran. :)
See I am blushing. New haircut, big ears, had to blush :) And the stain on me t-shirt is not a stain. It's water...
So this is how I look now. I guess now I can be mourning. The second news is that I am staying in Iran till the 25th of November. The mine, the maingate to be more exact, was flooded on Monday. Really flooded. I think the geologist missed a lake when taking measurements. and whoops. there it was.loads of water coming from the sdidewall. all the motors flooded, electricians trying to save sensitive equipment. Face Rescue Operation is on. a great example of one of Murphy's laws. "if anything can get worse, it is sure to fuck up".and it did :) but it could have been worse. the face could've been totally fucked.but it isn't.anyway.two additional weeks is not that bad. i'll manage.
One of the mottos. Though the real version should be:"Food+rest=end of shift"
The mosque in Tabas.
Same mosque.Good, old me. Trying to spoil every picture. :)
Inside the mosque. A tomb of Imam Kazeem. We shouldn't be taking pictures in there.

My artistic soul made me take that picture :)
Enough :) khoda hafez. peace out.
pieknie wygladasz ufoku !!
normalnie ciaho ;]
jeeezu ufok cos Ty z siebie zrobil???
teraz to te iranki beda drzwiami i oknami....uciekac;p
wcale po tobie nie widac, ze sie najebales :)
you look a bit like Philipinian Syndrome victim :P
but to be honest - it's not so bad
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