Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Salam aleykom. Haste naboshid. Two news today. You choose which is bad and which is good :)

1st)So I had my hair cut. I have to explain myself. My friend was the hairdresser. And, well...One can see he is not a pro... :)
This is the shortest hair I have ever had,i think...And it was a challenge. To have short hair with the head being so big (though full of brains) :) Of course it has all been recorded for the sake of humanity (don't do this at home). Anyway, it's almost a week since I did it and they are starting to grow back.
Oh, by the way. I am really getting bold :) But than again, bold men are supposedly great lovers :p
So now. Ladies and gentlemen. Get ready for the de-hairing of Lukasz Wlodarczyk. Hope the Samson syndrone does not get me :)

I really had a tough day at work. Really!

It's the flash of the camera. Had to close my eyes. By the way. Wouldn't I make a great punk?

Prisoner no. 45632Lw. Sentence-6 months in Iran. :)
See I am blushing. New haircut, big ears, had to blush :) And the stain on me t-shirt is not a stain. It's water...

So this is how I look now. I guess now I can be mourning. The second news is that I am staying in Iran till the 25th of November. The mine, the maingate to be more exact, was flooded on Monday. Really flooded. I think the geologist missed a lake when taking measurements. and whoops. there it was.loads of water coming from the sdidewall. all the motors flooded, electricians trying to save sensitive equipment. Face Rescue Operation is on. a great example of one of Murphy's laws. "if anything can get worse, it is sure to fuck up".and it did :) but it could have been worse. the face could've been totally fucked.but it isn't.anyway.two additional weeks is not that bad. i'll manage.

One of the mottos. Though the real version should be:"Food+rest=end of shift"

The mosque in Tabas.

Same mosque.Good, old me. Trying to spoil every picture. :)

Inside the mosque. A tomb of Imam Kazeem. We shouldn't be taking pictures in there.

My artistic soul made me take that picture :)

Enough :) khoda hafez. peace out.

Friday, 26 October 2007

I'm leaving on a jet plane....

....don't want to come back here again....

So, I have a plane ticket to Poland booked for the 11th of November.
What can I say. I am happy. I want to go back. Spend some time in Poland.
This country is depressing. Of course one can get used to everything. Come on, in some countries people it french fries with mayo.. :) but it is too much. We're in a sort of a cage or a fish tank. But then again, if a fish is in a nice room then it is happier. And here?It's totally different.
Everything forbidden, small town, same people all the time...
This job has taught me a lot. A great experience that I hope will flourish in the future. Maybe...
On the 12th I am supposed to be in Poland. To be honest I anticipate that something will still change but for the time being that's the end date. I started counting days. It's not good, because time goes by slower when you do that. But what can you do :) I am happy I'm going back.
These two months after my holiday really passed quickly. Really, really quickly. Hope the two weeks left will pass as quickly...
People are going crazy. Loads of different documents to translate, quality control sheets, method statements. And guess who has to translate them :)
And as always, when something ends and there's lots to do people have a tendency to loose their temper. But I am calm as never :) Ok, I'm not... :)
Today is a big day. I am going to have my hair cut. I guess i'll look like a total dumbo :) Never had hair so short. I'll try and post some photos of the whole procedure :)
Take care.See you soon.

Happy birthday Aga and an overdue happy birthday to Ruda. You're both fantastic. Keep it that way...

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Xerxes's Revenge...

And so he finally got me. The cunning bastard. Was after me all the time. Louring me, teasing, offering great fruits. And got me eventually....
For the last two days I was a zombie. Temperature. Chivers. Visitng the toilet every 30 minutes. Nightmare. I got two days of work.Watched some movies (I must tell you. I did not know "Star Wars III:Revenge of the Sith" was such a pile of bollocks, how could they have ruined such a great movie...).
Anyway. Today I was back at work. Still the belly is hurting but it's ok.
But the bad thing is. Three of my roommates must have been also infected. I guess House no. 9 should be Quarantined, or at least drop an A-bomb here :)
I feel sorry for them. Though I was the one to take the first attack of the monsterous disease and had the most serious symptoms. Am I a good bloke, or what?
Today I woke up and thought someone was giving birth to an alien. Rember the movie?When the little chap got out through the abdomen?Well I thought this was happening at my house. It occured to be Adam, trying to fight the disease. Over the toilet seat. Poor chap...But he's ok now.
Today was also payday. Better than I expected I guess...So mood is quite ok.
Abnd of course on Saturday Lech beat Legia 1-0.Woohoo.....KOLEJORZ!!
Take care all of you.. I'm working on new pictures. Must admit I made one really nice.Could made a postcard :)
love ya all..