20/09/2007 was the day I was waiting for. Me birthday. and the party :) Normally in Poland or anywhere else (my previous 3 birthdays were in England and one in Denmark) we would go to a pub or a party place. But this is Iran. And only men :)
But anyway. We managed to arrange a little something ;) and at my place we had a sitting party. Well, some of us tried to play table tennis :)
It was ok. I got 3 kabanosy :) and a Gornik Zabrze key holder :) I'll post the pictures tomorrow or somewhere in the near future (today's picture is a GIF so the quality is very poor, sorry).
But then again, I want birthdays in Poland :)
Today we went to Esmerghan. Since it's Ramazan there were no persians, the whole place for us. A really cool to day today. And my suntan is getting bette. I am turning into a latino lover, though a bit bold :)
one small leap for a man, one giant leap for mankind!
Tomorrow back to work. Brrrr....
I start wondering what awaits for me after this contract ends. i have to think everything over. I guess i want to be back home. Get a job there, maybe start something own?who knows...
27, it's the point of life when most important things should be settled. Important thing for me is to understand that :) i still have problems with it. enough of moaning.
take care...cheerio...khoda hafez
alles gutes zum Geburstag
hej, jestem , odwiedzam i pisze....:) fajnie widziec miejsca w ktorych bywasz , to jeziorko wydaje sie bardzo interesujace i dla mnie bardzo egzotyczne, ale fajnie byloby sie zanurzyc w takiej cieplutkiej wodzie tym bardziej ze lato w tym roku w Zürichu zupelnie nie przypominalo lata, udalo nam sie z Ranya wykapac w jeziorku tylko dwa razy
:(zaraz po ramadanie 2 dni swiat i mam nadzieje ze uda Ci sie zobaczyc jakies ciekawe miejsca i zamiescisz tutaj jakies fajne fotki zdjecia , fajnie by bylo zobaczyc zdjecia tego campusu gdzi emieszkasz i zdjecia samej kopalni no i uliece Tabaz.....mysle ze zainteresowaloby to nie tylko mnie:) tym czasem trzymaj sie dzielnie
agulka z czekoladowej stolicy swiata:)
Wszystkiego iranskiego z okazji urodzin!
Przepraszam, ze sie spoznilem, ale od pewnego czasu nie zagladalem na Twoja stronke.
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