Hey there. So long till I last wrote. Over a month. But a lot has happened.
Me, in Poland - what a dummy :)So. My holiday. Very eventful to say at least :) Though spent in Poznan, but it was good to see my family and friends. And polish beer. and polish women, who are really beautiful!!!
First I flied to Tehran. Being out of Tabas was a big relief. After all the hassle with getting the visa. Tehran is a different world from Tabas. European one could say. Almost pornographic - women have most of their hair uncovered!!! OH MY GOD!!CALL THE POLICE!!!OUTRAGEOUS!!BLESPHAMY!!!Prices are also european. But we had a good meal,shower, short sleep and off to the airport. Bear in mind my state - i still did not have a passport when I was in the cab to the airport!!
There were three of us - me, Mining Manager and Senior Electrical Enginner. The last two superb people. The first one is a bit of a tosser but still likeable :)
So. We arrived at the airport and I had to wait for the passport. I waited and waited and waited. Finally the guy came, with my passport, work permit and exit visa. Can you believe that one visit in Iran and 6 pages of your passport are gone. Entry visa, exit visa, visa extension, work permit, resident visa and normal visa :)
Anyway. We were finally on the plane to Frankfurt. As soon as it took off, I called for the flight attendant (not the gorgeous one from my flight to Iran) and said:
-Guten abend. Ich moechte vodka trinken. Drei monaten in Iran. Verstehen sie? :)
I guess she understood because very soon i was sipping nice, vodka and coke on rocks. Hmm. Not long after she visited me again. Marika, that was her name, now brought me jack daniels :) Lufthansa, Ich liebe dich!!! :)
You all can anticipate how it all ended. I had a very good and joyful flight. In Frankfurt I had to wait 4 hours for my plane to Poznan. So we went to have a beer. Dorota, the bartender, happened to be from Poland, and we were witnesses of a miracle - one beer changed into four!Wohoo!
Poznan, my dear Poznan. I somehow managed to pass the passport control (explaining that I have just arrived from Iran :) ).And went home. Cool to seem y family. Really missed them.
That evening I went out for the first time. Was back home at four. Next day out again. Home at seven. My brother was a bit pissed off when I went to his room at 7 in the morning and said:
"Will you assemble these chairs?"
I still dont know what chairs I was after :)
You have to remember it was friday, day of Walker's wedding and I still did not have my best man speech!So I had a three hours sleep and prepared the speech :) Somehow.
5 o'clock the wedding started. I was best man, one of the best days of my life.really. I was honoured. Pretty nervous too :)
And then the party! Nice please, by the lake. friends and many unknown people :)
I was the most stressed person on the whole planet!REally, tried to put off the moment of the speech. But then, the young couple had their first dance, so I though "If Piotrek can dance, I can make a speech" :)
And did it. And guess what?Everybody loved it.OR at least said they did :) I think it was ok. But the nerves were killing me :) Anyway. The party was cool. Eventually I got a bit dazzled ;)
Thasnks Mira and Piotr for giving me the oportunity. I was overwhelmed to be your best man. You're the best...
The following day I went out again. A re-party at the new husband's house and then off elsewhere. Was home at 10 am. But trust. I am too old for this kind of things :) Went to sleep at 8pm and woke up at 12 the next morning (i think :) ).
And then time run out so quickly. As did the money on my account :) But it do not regret going. I needed that, really!
But going back to Iran was horrible.Nice that Dorota was working when we were in Frankfurt, she new what to get us :)
Flight to Tehran - 5 hours of bad mood, directly propotional to the amount of whiskeys I had :)
Then guesthouse in Tehran. And then Tabas. Welcome back to hell :) no, it's not that bad.
And then, out of nowhere. I found out that my superior has quit and I was to take over his duties. But then he changed his mind. Generally i am not sad as a result :) Too many duties I think. We agreed that when he comes back from holiday, he'd take the Administrative Department and I would take over the Translations Department. Maybe... :)
But now I have to take care of that shit. Guess I am doing ok, but time will show :)
Work is ok. The Site Manager has changed. Underground has changed.
U/G is cool. The face (coal seam) is operating now. I went there four times. Really cool experience to see the Power Loader (shearer) cutting the coal. Noise, dust everywhere. Miner have a really hard work. When I come back to the surface I look like the miners in tv. All black :) Once, underground, the senior mining engineer from ym company mistook me for an iranian :)
I stood a few meters from him, my face all black, and he said:
-Mr, belt ok? (meaning belt conveyor on which people can ride)
-No Mr. Belt haile bat (no, very bad belt conveyor) - I said.
-No belt Mr?Kurwa mac - he replied
and then he noticed that I was me :)
The whole project is getting to its final stage - the warranty tests. So it's a big of a crazy town. PApers, document, protocols - all to be translated. So a bit of work to do, but there are days of total laziness.
Tabas, has not changed. All is the same. Though morning are quite chilly now. But during the day it is still the same. Hot as f**k :)
Last friday i was at work, believe me or not but I was installing isolation valves on the pressure pipe range :) physical worker :)
The mosque in Tabas, from a long way away :)
Andrew (safety manager) and someone...
My new friend, Ali... :)
Trupek and me - just chillin'UFOK WAS HERE.. :)
Everything is the same. We went to Esmerghan two weeks ago and Khor three weeks ago.
a dam, lake, place to swim. Esmerghan, osais and place to swim. cool places to chill.
Time to go. I'll try to write more often. But you now, managerial positions are time consuming :)
Take care all of you...
Ramazan started. Work ended! :)
Pictures!! Woohoo.